Monday, March 10, 2008

Tony's request is denied

There is much I can reflect upon regarding recent events in Cuba and elsewhere. In the States, the bid for the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination rages on and Cuba policy has become some sort of foreign affairs policy lithmus test. In Spain, the Socialists retain power (albeit with a very slim margin). In Cuba, the reins have been handed over to another Castro. As a gesture to Zapatero, the Cuban authorities released four dissidents and exiled them to Spain (giving them no choice in the matter). I share with you a clip of their arrival in Spain and joyous reception by fellow dissidents. I praise God for delivering them from their recent ordeal.

Meanwhile, the situation in Cuba hasn't changed much. Power has been transferred peacefully from one Castro brother to the other, but no acts of clemency are forthcoming from the government. In fact, my family was informed recently that Tony's formal request for transfer to adequate medical facilities has been denied. The only good news is that Tony has suspended his food and medicine strikes. He has asked me to share this news with all interested parties.

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Uncommon Sense

#OZT I Accuse the Cuban Government

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